
How to prevent falls in older people

Falls are a major cause of injury and disability in older people. In fact, it is estimated that one of every three people 65 years and older falls each year. Falls can cause fractures, brain injuries and other serious injuries.

There are many things which older people and their caregivers can do to help prevent falls. Here are a few tips:

  • Stay active. Regular exercise helps to improve balance, strength and coordination, all of which are important to prevent falls.
  • Wear comfortable shoes with good grip. Shoes with non-skid soles can help prevent slips and falls.
  • Keep your home safe. Fix any carpet slippery or loose cables. Make sure stairs are well-lit and that you have rails safe.
  • Take your medicines as prescribed. Some medicines may cause drowsiness or dizziness, which increases the risk of falls.
  • Talk with your doctor about your risk of falls. Your doctor can evaluate your risk and to recommend specific measures for preventing falls.

Here are some additional tips to help prevent falls in older people with disabilities:

  • Use a walker or cane if needed. A walker or cane can help provide stability and balance.
  • Get help to get up and sit down. Get up and sit down it can be difficult for older people with disabilities.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Pay attention to the obstacles and potential hazards.

By taking steps to prevent falls, seniors can help you stay safe and active.

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